IRON BEAR POWER ARMOR-HPA-10 As the Native American Iron Bear PA is exceptional, it was decided to up date some weapon systems and add some new features like the sonic cannon for one. Model Type: Iron Bear-HPA-10 Class: Military Heavy Asssault Power Armor. Crew: One M.D.C. by Location: * Ion Cannons (2; small shoulder mounted units) - 60 each Rear Thrusters (2) - 200 each * Variable-Missile Launcher (2; both legs) 100 each (Optional and detachable) * Ammo Drum/Cargo Pod (rear) - 100 * Main Weapon - 100 housing plus 50 Rail Gun and 80 Ion Cannon. * Variable Missile Mounts - 100 each * Forearm Missile Launchers (2) - 100 Fore Arms - 200 Upper Arms - 200 * Clawed Hands (2) - 100 each Legs (2) - 300 each * Gas Ports (2) - 30 ** Head - 200 ** Sonic Cannon in head - 100 ** Colloar with Laser Welders and Wands - 200 * Muzzle/JAWS- 100 * Sensors/Camera Eyes (2) - 20 *** Main Body - 550 * A single asterisk indicates a small and difficult target to strike, requiring the attacker to make a "called shot", but even then the attacker is -4 to Hit. * * Destroying the head of the power armor will eliminate all forms of optical enhancement and sensory systems. The pilot must then rely on his own human vision and senses. No power armor combat bonuses to strike, parry, and dodge! The head is a small and difficult target to hit, shielded by ex-haust tubes and a weapon drum. Thus it can only be hit when a character makes a "called shot" and even then the attacker is -3 to strike. *** Depleting the M.D.C. of the main body will shut the armor down completely, making it useless. Note: Destroying a wing will make flight impossible. However, even with no wing(s) the SAMAS can make jet powered leaps and hover stationary above the ground. Speed Running: 70 mph (112.7 km) maximum; can go from zero to 70 mph (112.7 km) in 10 seconds. Note that the act of running does tire out its operator, but at 10% of the normal fatigue rate, thanks to the robot exoskeleton. Leaping: The powerful robot legs can leap up to 15 feet (4.572 m) high or across unassisted by the thrusters. A jet thruster assisted leap can propel the unit up to 50 feet (15.25 m) high and 50 feet (15.25 m). Flying: None. Underwater Capabilities: Swimming: The Iron Bear can swim using the same types of paddling leg and arm movements as human at a maximum speed of roughly five mph (8.1 km). Can also walk along the bottom of the sea at about 25% normal running speed. Maximum Ocean Depth: One Mile (1.6 km). Statistical Data Height: 9.5 feet (2.9 m). Width: 6 feet? Length: 5 feet (1.52 m). Weight: One ton. Physical Strength: Equal to a P.S. of 50. Cargo: Only a small locker for the pilots Body Armor, Rifle, Pistol, Survial Pack and other gear. Power Systems: Nuclear; average Iorn Bear energy life is 15 years. Cost: Not sold to any outside market. If one was sold out side Native American control and on to the market it would sell for upwards of 5 + million credits. Weapon Systems 1. ION CANNONS (2): Built in to the Shoulders of the power armor are two powerful, medium ranged ION CANNONS. They are on ball and socket mounts and can rotate 180 degrees in all directions. They primarily used against vehicles and large supernatural monsters. Weapon MDC: Primary Purpose: Anti-Vehicle/Anti-Monster Secondary Purpose: Defense Weight: N/A. Mega-Damage: Setting One: 1D6X10 S.D.C. (2D6X10 S.D.C. for Dual Blast) Setting Two: 3D6+2 M.D.C. (1D4X10 for Dual Blast) Setting Three: 1D6X10 M.D.C. for single blast (2D6X10 M.D.C. for Dual Blast). Rate of Fire: Equal to the number of combined hand to hand attacks of the pilot. Maximum Effective Range: 2000 feet (610 m), not reduced under water. Payload: Effectively unlimitedy. 2. Mini-Missile Launchers (2): Each forearm has a small, rotary mini-missile wrist launch system. As the Missiles are fired, the panel rotates and keeps active missiles at the ready. Primary Purpose: Anti-Aircraft. Secondary Purpose: Anti-Armor/Anti-Monster Mega-Damage: Varies Rate of Fire: One at a time or in volleys of two, three, four, six or eight. Maximum Effective Range: Varies. Payload: 18 per launcher, 36 total. 3. Gas/Smoke Nozzles: The Nozzles are built in to the lower sides of the chest. They are loaded with either Smoke or some type of Gas (Tear Gas, posion ect.) Their primary use is in riot control and pacification. Weapon MDC: 30 M.D.C. Primary Purpose: Pacification/Crowd Control Secondary Purpose: Defense Mega-Damage: None. The Smoke obscures a 60 X 60 feet (18.3 X 18.3 m) area, and some of these gases are S.D.C., except for a powerful nerve poison that kills humans, but tranquilizes Supernatural Beings. Use the normal types of available gases, and treat the nerve poison as a Supernatural tranquilizer (Humans save verses Leathal Poison or suffer 2D4X10 S.D.C. Damage; half if saved). Rate of Fire: Equal to the number of combined hand to hand attacks of the pilot. Maximum Effective Range: 60 feet (18.3 m). Payload: Each dispenser holds eight doses of gases. 4. Vibro/Energy Claws (2): Each hand of the Iron Bear is equipped with a set of Vibro/Energy Claws. They are used for up close fighting a energy attacks with Super This new Weapon System allows the Iron Bear to select between 2 types of blade settings depending on needs, with either old style Vibro-Claws or a charged Energy Claw strike for even greater damage. There are many situations where a charged strike may not be wise or effective, like in a ordances warehouse or if a being is immune to or feeds on energy attacks. The charged particle setting works by having a charged particle field between the strong Energy Field of the Vibro-Claws and a weaker magnetic field containing the charged particle energy field. The weaker field gives so the energy of the charged particle field can cut and do damage while the inner Vibro-Claws are solid and intact to act as a solid core that can not be damage. Should an opponent be impervious to energy then only the Vibro-Blade Damage is used. Weapon MDC: 100 M.D.C. Primary Purpose: Defense Secondary Purpose: Anti-Armor Mega-Damage: Restrained Claw attack 2D6 M.D. Full Strength Vibro-Claw: 5D6 M.D. Full Strength Energy-Claw: 1D6X10 M.D Paired Vibro-Claw attack: 1D6X10 M.D Paired Energy-Claw attack: 2D6X10 M.D Power Vibro-Claw(2attacks): 1D6X10 M.D Power Energy-Claw (2attacks): 2D6X10 M.D Each Energy-Claw when charged Blade in Energy-Claw mode can discharge a particle beam like blast for 1D6X10 M.D. Rate of Fire: Equal to the combined hand to hand attacks of the pilot for either attack. Maximum Effective Range: Close combat, Beam projection 100 feet (30.5 m), short range due to the claws are not well suited for focusing a projected beam. Payload: Effectively Unlimited, as it is patched directly into the Iron Bear's power plant. 5. Laser Torches and Wands (2): Mounted on collar are 2 built in Wilk's laser torches and wands for welding and cutting. Both mounts can rotate 60 degrees for cutting and welding purposes. Both laser torch an wands are built in to the collar of the Iron Bear and to disable them the the entire MDC in those locations must be destroyed. Primary Purpose: Welding and cutting. Secondary Purpose: Defence. Damage: for Laser Torch. SDC DAMAGE: 1D6 , 3D6 , 6D6 , 1D6X10 SDC MDC SETTING: 1D4 MDC, 1D6 MDC, 2D4 MDC, 3D6 MDC, and 4D6 MDC. For each laser. Each laser can be on a different setting when fired. Laser wand damage is 1D4, 1D6, 2D6, and 3D6 SDC and ONE MDC POINT. Dual Blasts from both laser torches and wands on MAX settings is 1D4X10+10 MDC Rate of Fire: Equal to the combined hand to hand attacks of the pilot. Maximum Effective Range: 10 feet (3 m) Payload: Effectively Unlimited. 6. Multi Variable Missile Launchers (2): These Variable Launchers fit 32 Mirco missiles or 16 Mini-missiles or 8 Short Range Missiles or 4 Medium Range Missiles or a combination there of. The Mini-Missiles and Short Range Missiles have the same size settings. For example it one launcher could be loaded with 8 Mirco Missiles, 4 Mini-Missiles, 4 Short Range Missiles and 2 Medium Range Missiles. Primary Purpose: Anti-Personnel and Anti-Armor Secondary Purpose: Defense Mega-Damage: Varies Rate of Fire: One at a time or in volleys of two, four, six, eight, ten, twelve or sixteen. Maximum Effective Range: Varies. Payload: 32 Micro missiles or 16 Mini-missiles or 8 Short Range Missiles or 4 Medium Range Missiles or any combinations of that fit. Two launchers total. 7. Sonic Pulse Cannon (1): This weapon innovative weapon is hidden in the mechanicale jaws of the Power Armor. It generates a matter-destroying beam of concentrated sound waves. In its Wide Beam setting it can hurt alot of infantry men at once; its concentrated beam can shatter most armor in seconds. Primary Purpose: Anti-Personnel and Anti-Armor Secondary Purpose: Defense Mega-Damage: Wide Beam: 4D6 M.D. (1D4X10+8 under water) to a 30 feet (9.1 m) diameter (60 feet 18.2 m under water). Concentrated Beam: 1D4X10 M.D. (2D4X10 M.D. underwater) Additionally, unprotected personel must make a save verses Non-Lethal Poison (16 or Higher) or be stunned for 1D4 Melee Rounds. Poeple in sealed suits only fail their save if they do not roll an 8 or higher. The targets of Concentrated Blasts must make a save verses Non-Leathal Poison even if inside a suit power armor, due to the focus and power of the Concentrated Blast. Rate of Fire: Equal to the combined hand to hand attacks of the pilot. Maximum Effective Range: 500 feet (152.4 m), double under water to 1000 feet (305 m). Payload: Effectively Unlimited. 8. Hand held weapons: The Iron Bear PA can only handle large and oversized weapons with its Clawed Hands 9. Hand to Hand Combat: In addtion to the damage notes in Number 4. Use PA Combat Elite. Restrained Punch. 1D6 M.D. Full Punch: 3D6 M.D Power Punch: 1D6X10 M.D. Kick: 2D6 M.D. Jump Kick/Tackle: 4D6 M.D. 10. Sensors: The Iron Bear has full optical systems, including laser targeting, telescopic, passive night vision (light amplification), thermo-imaging, infrared, ultraviolet, polarization, GPS, satellite up link and communications. Plus all other features found common to all power armors. Sensor Bonuses: This Iron Bear gets a bonus +2 on initiative, +2 to strike, and a +2 to dodge in addition to the targeting computer bonus and the Basic or Elite Power Armor Combat Training Bonuses. 11. Otptional Main Weapons Systems: TX-41 or JA-12 with NG-E15 Pulse Plasma Ejector (1): This the standard optional weapon sold with the U.S.A. SAMAS PA-04 Mark 02. The JA-12 or TX-41 requires no separate power pack or E-Clip or canister, because it hooks directly to the armor's nuclear power supply, but one is carried on it as a back up should the power hook up disabled. The NG-E15 Pulse Plasma Ejector is mounted under the JA-12 or TX-41 and its self can be dismounted and used as an independent weapon. Weapon MDC: JA-12 (Extra armor in JA-12) or TX-41 is 50 MDC and the NG-E15 is 50 MDC (with extra armor) are in a armor housing that is 100 MDC in addition to the weapons own MDC. Primary Purpose: Assault Secondary Purpose: Defense Weight: Gun: JA-12 21 lbs (9.1 kg) do to extra armor or TX-41 21 lbs for (9.1 kg). NG-E15 55 lbs (25 kg). Mega-Damage: JA-12 Pulse Laser; Setting One: 1D6X10 S.D.C. Setting 2: 4D6 M.D.C. Setting 3: 1D6X10+10 M.D.C. for a TX-41 Variable Pulse Laser; Setting One: 1D6X10 S.D.C. Setting 2: 3D6 M.D.C. Setting 3: 1D6X10 M.D.C. NG-E15 Pulse Plasma Ejector: Single shot: 1D4X10 M.D.C. Triple burst 2D6X10 M.D.C. Dual Single Shot Damage is rolled separately and added together. Dual Triple Pulses out to 2000 feet (610 m) are the same or as is shown. JA-12/NG-E15: 3D6X10+10 M.D.C. or TX-41/NG-E-15: 3D6X10 M.D.C. Any thing beyond the range of the NG-E15 is just the Pulse Laser damage. Rate of Fire: Equal to the number of combined hand to hand attacks of the pilot. Maximum Effective Range: JA-12 or TX-41 Pulse laser 4000 feet (1220 m) NG-E15 Pulse Plasma Ejector 2000 feet (610 m). Payload: JA-12/TX-41 and NG-E15: Effectively unlimited due to hook up to PA power supply. Also has a standard E-Clip port that doubles as a universal power port and a 30 shot E-clip as a back up of a 60 shot E-Canister For JA-12, TX-41 uses a 100 shot E-Clip. For the NG-E15 for 6 shot short E-clip or 12 shot E-Clip can be used for back up or a NG-Power Pack 42 shots if available. Special Bonus: Built in Multi-optic (Polarized, I.R., U.V., Thermo-lmaging, Passive Night Vision, Variable 1X20 Power Telescopic all range 2 miles/3.2km) computer guided targeting sight and laser targeting for plus +2 to strike in addition to any other bonuses. 12. Otptional Main Weapons Systems: M-90/NAE-2D ION CANNON with M-31 RAIL GUN (1): This the standard optional weapon sold with the U.S.A. SAMAS PA-04 Mark 02. The M-90/NAE-2D ION CANNON requires no separate power pack or E-Clip or canister, because it hooks directly to the armor's nuclear power supply, but one is carried on it as a back up should the power hook up disabled. The M-31 RAILGUN is mounted under the M-90/NAE-2D ION CANNON. Weapon MDC: M-90/NAE-2D ION CANNON is 80 MDC and the M-31 RAIL GUN is 50 MDC are in a armor housing that is 100 MDC in addition to the weapons own MDC. For a total of 230 MDC for both weapons. Primary Purpose: Assault Secondary Purpose: Defense Weight: Gun: M-90/NAE-2D ION CANNON 80 lbs (36.4 gk). M-31 Rail Gun 110 lbs (50 kg) ammp drum 190 lbs (85.5 kg). Mega-Damage: M-90/NAE-2D ION CANNON: 1D6X10+10 M.D.C. M-31 Rail Gun: Single shot: 1D4+1 M.D.C. 40 Round burst 1D6X10 M.D.C. Dual Shot Damage is rolled separately and added together. Rate of Fire: Equal to the number of combined hand to hand attacks of the pilot. Maximum Effective Range: For both weapons 4000 feet (1220 m). Payload: M-90/NAE-2D ION CANNON: Effectively unlimited due to hook up to PA power supply. Also has a standard E-Clip port that doubles as a universal power port and a 30 shot E-clip for the M-90/NAE-2D ION CANNON. Unlike the NAE-1D ION CANNON, the NAE-2D ION CANNON has no over heating or burnout problems. The M-31 Rail Gun has a 2000 round drum or 50 bursts. A second ammo drum can be hooked to the undercarriage of the rear multivector rocket jets, but it must be manually removed by another SAMAS, or a character with a strength of 26 or greater can replace the drum. Reloading a drum takes about five minutes for those not trained, but a mere one minute task by some body trained in the use of SAMAS power armor. Special Bonus: Built in Multi-optic (Polarized, I.R., U.V., Thermo-lmaging, Passive Night Vision, Variable 1X20 Power Telescopic all range 2 miles/3.2km) computer guided targeting sight and laser targeting for plus +2 to strike in addition to any other bonuses. |