
Merek | RIFTS WEAPONS | Some Merc Units | CS Expeditionary Squadron Force Europe | GLITTER BOY X-01 | U.S.A. SAMAS Power Armor PA-04B Mark 02 | U.S.A. Salvage SAMAS Power Armor PA-04S Mark 02 | EURO SAMAS | IRON BEAR POWER ARMOR-HPA-10 | Inca Steel Spectacle Bear
Great Thing's Rifts Stuff

Maybe Picture Soon


When war was looming on the horizon between the CS and Free Quebec, some rich FQ industrialists with the unofficial blessings of the FQ and NGR governments searched for a place in Europe out side the NGR and out of the range of the CS to set up an armaments plant. To supply Free Quebec with weapons should their domestic production faculties be damaged or destroyed in the up coming war with the CS. After a quick look around it was decided to set up shop in the collective of Poznan, as it already had a strong industrial base and was close to the NGR to recruit technicians from there if need be, that was more than happy to have another independent weapons maker in thier small nation given the Brodkil threat to them. After some initial designs and various prototypes, that saw immediate testing in against the Brodkil demons, a final production model was selected.

As various techs from North America and Europe had in put in coming up with a production model, a tech of native American decent suggested a Multi-Vector thrust system which was first laughed at as impossible till he pointed out it was an old 20th century technology, which was then to every one's surprise very workable with computer control. And if that control went out the pilot could lock the thrusters in to fixed position and fly it like a normal SAMAS if need be. Another innovation was modular wrist weapons that could be changed in the field and give this E-SAM more versatility for greater missions and for easier maintenance of the weapons to. Also it was found that a Vibro-Blade generator could be added to the wing tips for even greater slashing ability and to protect the wing tip from damage when colliding with targets at high speed. And also a mounting of a laser torch and laser wand in the head for spot welding and an emergency weapon was also found to be able to be mounted with out impeading the pilot any. And also an identitcle set mounted in the left arm for a greater range of motion and so this PA can also do civil jobs besides war work. The idea to expand the missile mounts in the wings seemed the best way to go and to keep them from interfering with this E-SAM's performance. Also by utilizing missile cells that can accommodate either one short range missile, for greater range and can be a smart weapon, or placing 2 mini-missiles in each cell for maximum fire power was also a desirable option. It is also capable of a mix of missile load outs for more flexible threat responses. The main weapon sytem selected was an idea from a North American Indian Psi-Tech who suggested a laser and Auto Grenade Launcher for the best flexible weapon system for now. Atleast for now till it is find out what can be found in Russia or what the NGR may release for non-government sales, for now the current main weapon system seems to be very popular.

Side Note: It has been shown that this Power Armor is alot cheaper than most forms of Borgs in Russia and has spurred some interest in Power Armors in Russia. A limited use of them on large scale battles against hordes of demons has proven to be very favorable. And the Wing-Riders in Russia seem to be gravitating to self flying PAs as a result in addition to the Wingrider Flying Wing.

Model Type: EURO SAMAS PA-01

Class: Strategic Armor Military Assault Suit.

Crew: One

M.D.C. by Location:

* Shoulder Wings (2) - 120 each

Main Rear Jets (3) - 100 each

* Lower Maneuvering Jets (4; small) - 50 each

* Ammo Drum/Cargo Pod (rear) - 100

* Main Weapon - 100 housing plus 50 each weapon

* Forearm pulse laser housing (1; left) - 50 -Pulse Laser - 20

* Forearm C.W.I.S. (1; right) - 50 - Blade - 100

* Hands (2) - 27 each

Arms (Laser Torch and Wand built into left arm) (2) - 72 each

Legs (2) - 125 each

** Head with Laser (Torch and Wand built into head) - 95

*** Main Body - 315

* A single asterisk indicates a small and difficult target to strike, requiring the attacker to make a "called shot", but even then the attacker is -4 to Hit.

* * Destroying the head of the power armor will eliminate all forms of optical enhancement and sensory systems. The pilot must then rely on his own human vision and senses. No power armor combat bonuses to strike, parry, and dodge!
The head is a small and difficult target to hit, shielded by ex-haust tubes and a weapon drum. Thus it can only be hit when a character makes a "called shot" and even then the attacker is -3 to strike.

*** Depleting the M.D.C. of the main body will shut the ar-mor down completely, making it useless. Note: Destroying a wing will make flight impossible. However, even with no wing(s) the SAMAS can make jet powered leaps and hover stationary above the ground.


Running: 90 mph ( 144.84 km) maximum with Multi-Vector Thrust assitance, 70 mph (112.7 km) for no asstistance; can go from zero to 70 mph (112.7 km) in 10 seconds. Note that the act of running does tire out its operator, but at 10% of the normal fatigue rate, thanks to the robot exoskeleton.

Leaping: The powerful robot legs can leap up to 15 feet (4.6 m) high or across unassisted by the thrusters.
A jet thruster assisted leap can propel the unit up to 100 feet (30.5 m) high and 200 feet (61 m) across without actually attaining flight.

Flying: The rocket propulsion system enables the SAMAS to hover stationary up to 1000 feet (305 m) or fly. Maximum flying speed is about 360 mph (576 km), but cruising speed is considered to be 200 mph (322 km). Maximum altitude is 10,500 feet (3,200 m). The was designed to be a low altitude power armor suit that could hug the ground and slip under enemy radar which it does admirably. Without wings this SAMAS can fly at 200 mph (322 km) at an atiltude of 1000 feet (305 m) on the Multivector Thrust System alone.

Flying Range: An efficient jet propulsion system leaves out the worry of over heating the of the original SAMAS propulsion systems. This Jet Rocket propulsion system can fly at for 10 hours nonstop above cruising speed with out fear of over heating. A quick cooling systems makes the engines usable after only 10 minutes of being shut down. While flying at cruising speed the engines do not need to be shut down at all, it only takes 1 hour out of 24 at cruising speed to cool the engines down is enough to keep the engines from over heating. With constant rest stops, usually due to pilot fatigue, the engines there is no worry of the engines at all.

Underwater Capabilities: Swimming: The SAMAS can swim using the same types of paddling leg and arm movements as human at a maximum speed of roughly 4 mph (6.4 km). Can also walk along the bottom of the sea at about 25% normal running speed. Using the jet thrusters, the SAMAS travel on the surface of the water at 60 mph (96.56 km), underwater at 50 mph (80.467 km), or fly above the water's surface at normal speeds.

Maximum Ocean Depth: 2100 feet (640 m).

Statistical Data:

Height: 8 feet 6 inches (2..6 m).

Width: Wings down, 3.5 feet (1.06 m); wings extended, 10 (3 m) Internal Wing Extensions deployed 14 feet (4.27 m).

Length: 4 feet, 6 inches (1.4 m).

Weight: 690 lbs (313.7 kg) without any weapons .

Physical Strength: Equal to a P.S. of 32.

Cargo: None if an ammo drum is used. If one is not used a 3' 6" by 2' by 2' foot cargo pod can be carried
Power Systems: Nuclear; average SAMAS energy life is 20 years.

Cost: 3 million credits.

Weapon Systems

1. JA-12 with Auto Grenade Launcher (1): This the standard weapons package sold with the EURO SAMAS. The JA-12 requires no separate power pack or E-Clip or canister, because it hooks directly to the armor's nuclear power supply, but one is carried on it as a back up should the power hook up disabled. The Auto Grenade launcher is mounted under the JA-12 and its self can be dismounted and used as an independent weapon. After looking around for what they wanted for a main weapon, the harsh reality of being able to procure and or manufacture the weapon hit the makers of the Euro Samas hard in the face. As the NGR would not license the manufacter or provide TX-41 Pulse laser rifles or components for the new company. After looking at a list of available weapons it was pointed out no one really "owned" the rights to manufacter the JA-12 type laser or would come around later through diplomatic efforts through the NGR to enforce a "patent infringement" to make them stop prodcuing it. So after developing an armored housing for the weapon it was made the main weapon with a newly produced Auto Grenade Launcher that was available for license to manufacture at a very reduced royalty. The ironic thing about the licensing in Europe was that the NGR told the maker of the owner of the design of several modles of the Auto Grenade Launcher that they would produce the weapon any ways under one of the NGR's emergency powers acts that allows the nation to use any thing available to help the Nation survive. So the Manufacturers of the Euro SAMAS got a weapon that the NGR helped bring and make widely available in copying to Europe, despite the NGR's mounting concern of what they see as a PA that seems to greatly out class thier basic Predator Modle.

Weapon MDC: JA-12 (Extra armor in JA-12) is 50 MDC and the AGL 50 MDC are in a armor housing that is 100 MDC in addition to the weapons own MDC

Primary Purpose: Assault

Secondary Purpose: Defense

Weight: Gun: JA-12 21 lbs (9.1 kg) do to extra armor Auto Grenade Launcher 25 lbs (11.4 kg).

Mega-Damage: JA-12 Pulse Laser; Setting One: 1D6X10 S.D.C. Setting 2: 4D6 M.D.C. Setting 3: 1D6X10+10 M.D.C.

Standard Wellington Idustustry Grenades:
Fragmentation Grenade 4D6 M.D.C. to a blast area of 12 feet (3.6m).
Armor Piercing Grenade 1D4X10 M.D.C. to a blast area of 3 feet (.9m).
A burst of 3 Fragmentation grenades 1D6x10 M.D. with a blast area of 12 feet (3.6m).
A burst of 3 Armor Piercing 2D6x10 M.D. with a blast area of 3 feet (.9m).
A burst of 10 Fragmentation grenades 2D6x10 M.D. with a blast area of 40 feet (12m).
A burst of 10 Armor Piercing grenades 3D6x10 M.D. with a 8 feet (2.4m) blast radius.

K-HEX or Northern Gun NG-6 M.D. Plastique enhanced grendades:
Fragmentation Grenade 1D4X10 M.D.C. to a blast area of 12 feet (3.6 m).
Armor Piercing Grenade 1D6X10 M.D.C. to a blast area of 3 feet (.9 m).
A burst of 3 Fragmentation grenades 2D6x10 M.D. with a blast area of 12 feet (3.6m).
A burst of 3 Armor Piercing grenades 3D6x10 M.D. with a blast area of 12 feet (3.6m).
A burst of 10 Fragmentation grenades 3D6x10 M.D. with a blast area of 40 feet (12m).
A burst of 10 Armor Piercing grenades 4D6x10 M.D. with a 8 feet (2.4m) blast radius.

Cost of grenades. Each grenade weighs .1 lbs. or .045kg. 300 Credits for Fragmentation. 500 credits for Armor Piercing. 400 Credits for NG-6 M.D. Plastique Fragmentaion, 600 credits for K-Hex Fragmentaion. 600 Credits for NG-6 M.D. Plastique Armor Piercing. 1000 credits for K-Hex Armor Piercing. Add 500 credits per grenades for rocket assist grenades.

Rate of Fire: Equal to the number of combined hand to hand attacks of the pilot. The Auto Grenade Launcher can do 3 or 10 round busts, each burst counts as one action.

Maximum Effective Range: JA-12 Pulse laser 4000 feet (1200 m). Grenade Launcher 1200 feet (366 m), 2000 feet (610 m) for rocket assist grenades.

Payload: JA-12/TX-41: Effectively unlimited due to hook up to PA power supply. Besides the fixed 30 shot E-Canister Also has a standard E-Clip port that doubles as a universal power port and a 30 shot E-clip as a back up of a a total of 60 shots with the E-Canister for the JA-12. 40 or 60 round drum magazine on the GL or a 200 round ammo Drum on the back of the SAMAS. A second drum can be hooked to the undercarriage of the rocket jets, but first the used drum must be manually removed by another SAMAS or a character and the new ammo drum put in its place. Reloading the drum will take about 15 seconds (1 melee).

Special Bonus: Built in Multi-optic (Polarized, I.R., U.V., Thermo-lmaging, Passive Night Vision, Variable 1X20 Power Telescopic all range 2 miles/3.2km) computer guided targeting sight and laser targeting for plus +2 to strike in addition to any other bonuses.

2. Wing Mounted Missile Launchers (2): Located on each wing is a missile launcher, are 12 small, tube short ranged missile or mini-missile launchers. Each launcher can hold one short range missile or 2 mini-missiles one infront of the other (12 total missile cells).

Primary Purpose: Anti-Personnel and Anti-Armor Aircraft.

Secondary Purpose: Defense

Mega-Damage: Varies

Rate of Fire: One at a time or in volleys of 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 or 12.

Maximum Effective Range: Varies.

Payload: 6 per launchers for Short Range Missiles Cells for a total of 6 Short Range Missiles, or 2 per launcher cell for Mini-missiles for a total of 12 Mini-missiles for each launcer. Or a mix load is possible. 12 short range missiles or 24 mini missiles. Or a total mix of each.

3. Pulse Laser: Mounted on the left arm is a built in Wilk's 454 pulse laser similar to the Wilk's 457 only it has an SDC setting. This is the standard arm mounted laser sold with the Euro-Samas, a TX-42 or any laser weapon maybe mounted in its place. This Medium Ranged weapon was selected to give the PA a ranged weapon with a decent MDC punch with an SDC capability.

Weapon MDC: 50 M.D.C. housing, MDC of rifle is 20 MDC.

Primary Purpose: Assault

Secondary Purpose: Defense
Weight: Gun: Wilk's 454 pulse laser 7lbs (3.18 kg)

Mega-Damage: Setting One: 1D6X10 S.D.C. Setting Two: 3D6+2 M.D.C. Setting Three: 1D6X10 M.D.C.
Setting 2 and Paritcal Beam dual Blast 1D6X10 M.D.C.
Setting 3 and Paritcal Beam dual Blast 2D4X10+20 M.D.C.

Rate of Fire: Equal to the number of combined hand to hand attacks of the pilot. Dual arm attacks too at a singal target.

Maximum Effective Range: 2,000 feet (610 m).

Payload: Effectively unlimited due to hook up to PA power supply. Also has a standard E-Clip port that doubles as a universal power port and a 30 shot E-clip as a back. And can be dismounted for use as a rifle. See Wilk's 454. The Stock is collapsed in the housing.

4. Forearm C.I.W.S., Close In Weapon System, Tri-Claw Vibro-Blade and Dual Particle Beams (1): The C.W.I.S has a three vibro blade claw blades mounted in the for arm that are silver impregnated of the E-SAMAS with two particle beams mounted also in the for arm making for a very versitile and close in devesating weapons system. TX-45 Particle Beam systems are placed in the in a side by side mounting just over the vibro claw mounts allowing for fire when the claws are exteneded. This weapon combonation was selected over a straight vibro blade as it gave yet another high yeild weapon system needed in a harsh combat eviroment found in Europe and Asia.

Weapon MDC: Housing 50 MDC Blades 100 MDC, paricle beams 20 MDC each.

Primary Purpose: Anti-Armor

Secondary Purpose: Anti-Personal

Mega-Damage: 5D6 M.D. from from single Partical Beam shot or 1D6X10 MDC from a dual shot., 3D6 M.D. from vibro claw blades setting strike plus the bonus MDC PS bonus for the type of punched used, full 1D6 MDC or power punch 2D6 MDC (Counts as 2 attacks). 3D6 S.D.C. + 17 S.D.C. with PA's PS bonus for vibro blades turned off for a strike and the tri blades are silver impregnated.

Single Paritcal Beam dual Blast and Pulse Laser Setting Two 1D4X10+10 M.D.C.
Dual Paritcal Beam dual Blast and Pulse Laser Setting Three 2D6X10 M.D.C.

Rate of Fire: Equal to the number of combined hand to hand attacks of the pilot. Dual arm attacks too at a singal target.

Maximum Effective Range: Close combat, Particle Beams 500 feet (152.4 m).

Payload: Effectively Unlimited.

5. Laser Torches and Wands (2): Mounted in the head and left arm is a built in Wilk's laser torches and wands for welding and cutting. Both laser torch an wands are built in to the head and arm respectively and to disable them the the entire MDC in those locations must be destroyed.

Primary Purpose: Welding and cutting.

Secondary Purpose: Defence.

Damage: for Laser Torch.
SDC DAMAGE: 1D6 , 3D6 , 6D6 , 1D6X10 SDC
MDC SETTING: 1D4 MDC, 1D6 MDC, 2D4 MDC, 3D6 MDC, and 4D6 MDC. For each laser. Each laser can be on a different setting when fired. Laser wand damage is 1D4, 1D6, 2D6, and 3D6 SDC and ONE MDC POINT.
Dual Blasts from both laser torches and wands on MAX settings is 1D4X10+10 MDC

Rate of Fire: Equal to the combined hand to hand attacks of the pilot.

Maximum Effective Range: 10 feet (3 m)

Payload: Effectively Unlimited.

6. Vibro Wing Blades (2):

Weapon MDC: 120 MDC

Primary Purpose: Close Combat/Dog Fights/Fur Balls/Gargoyle Wing Clipper

Secondary Purpose: Intimidation Factor. A Horror Factor of 12 when the opposing enemy realizes that he is about to get sliced and diced by the wings.

Mega-Damage: 1D6 for Glancing Blow with Vibro Field off. 3D6 MDC for full strength cut with Vibro Field off. 3D6 MDC for Glancing Blow with Vibro Field on. 5D6 MDC for full strength cut with Vibro Field on. + 1 MDC for every 20 MPH (32 KPH) of speed (+18 at maximum speed) for a full strength slicing attack.

Bonuses: Pilots expierenced in doing winged slashing attacks are +1 to strike with wings at Levels 2, 5, 8,11, and 14, and +2 to Disarm and +2 to Parry with them.

Maximum Effective Range: Range of Blades what else stupid?

Payload: Effectivly unlimited.

7. Hand held weapons: The EURO-SAMAS may use any type of weapon a regular SAMAS can use, or any comperable sized PA.

8. Hand to Hand Combat: Same Rules as other SAMAS types.

9. Sensors: The SAMAS has full optical systems, including laser targeting, telescopic, passive night vision (light amplification), thermo-imaging, infrared, ultraviolet, polarization, and up linkcommunications. Plus all other features found common to all power

Sensor Bonuses: This SAMAS gets a bonus +2 on initiative, +2 to strike, and a +2 to dodge in addition to the targeting computer bonus and the Basic or Elite Power Armor Combat Training Bonuses.

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